
OUR Top priority is safety!

Welcome Back! As we re-open our doors our main priority is still the health and safety of all. Here are guidelines that have been put in place to make sure UCMD continues to be a safe space in all regards!

Student Drop Off and Entrance Procedures:

  • Please make sure that all students arrive on time and with all appropriate materials for class. We will not be sharing pens, pencils, hair ties uniforms or dance shoes. Please be sure that your child bring ALL required material for class.

  • Dance students are to arrive in uniform. We will not be opening our restrooms for changing of clothing.  Students should be dropped off for their class with their dance uniforms already on underneath their street clothes, except for their dance shoes.  Dance shoes are required for all classes and should not be worn outside of the studio. Each student will have a designated area to leave their dance bag and clothes

  • Parents and family members will not be allowed into the school except in the case of an emergency.  Parents can either stay in their car or return at the end of class.

  • Water will no long be provided, students are asked to bring their own water bottle or they can purchase one at the studio.

  • Students will have their temperature taken with a contact-free thermometer upon arrival to the studio.  Anyone showing the slightest signs of illness or a temperature greater than or equal to 100.4F will not be allowed to take class and will be asked to wait at least 72 hours after symptoms have resolved without medication.

  • All students must use hand sanitizer before entering the dance room.  Hand sanitizer areas will be located at the entrance and inside each studio and music room.  Teachers will apply hand sanitizer to students’ hands as they enter their classes.

  • We ask that students bring minimal personal items into class. Please come in with class materials, music books, folder, uniforms, shoes and a water bottle.  Please leave all other personal items at home.


  • Restrooms will be open for students for emergencies only. (No changing of clothes)

  • Please remember to use the bathroom at home before you come to class.

  • All students using the restroom must wash hands with the Anti-Bacterial hand soap that will be available in the restroom.

Studio Capacity:

Due to the spacing limitations and keeping our dancers and staff distanced, we have smaller class sizes and studio capacity.  

  • ALL dance classes will be limited to 6 students per classroom. For creative combo we can safely accommodate 8 students.

  • For Music Theory and Ensemble classes the limit will be 5 students per class. We have added time slots to our schedule to ensure we are able to accommodate all students.

  • Acro class will become a one on one class for the moment as we will not be sharing mats.  

  • Dressing areas will remain closed, please come dressed and ready.

  • Students who are taking multiple classes will wait in their classroom or in the lobby for their next class to begin.

Mask Wearing Guidelines:

  • A mask must be worn at all times when inside our studios.

  • The dance instructors will be in a mask while teaching all dance classes.

  • The music instructors will be in a mask while teaching all music classes.

  • Staff members will be wearing a mask while working the front desk.

  • The students will be in a mask while dancing.  We understand that this will be a change for some dancers, but we want to keep everyone safe, healthy and continuing to dance. Masks will allow us to move around more during class.  

  • Water-breaks and rest will be given to the dancers frequently to ensure they are staying safe.

  • If a dancer needs to remove their mask for any reason, we will have designated areas where they can remove it safely.

Inside the Music + Dance Rooms:

  • Teachers will apply hand sanitizer to dancers’ hands as they enter the dance room.

  • We have added a 5-15min passing time to all group classes to not have overlap in groups and to wipe down the studios before and after each coming group.

  • Music instruments will be wiped down before and after each class with Clorox wipes.

  • The dance studio floors have been marked off for social distance purposes.  Each student will be assigned an “X” or a decal on the floor as a guide as to where to stand so that they are at least six feet away from their nearest classmate.  Teachers will strictly enforce the spacing in class.

  • There will be no lending of shoes this season nor lending of pens and pencils or other supplies.  Students must have their own shoes and materials needed for class.  If your child forgets their shoes, they may dance in bear feet or wear socks.

Cleaning and Sanitizing:

  • All high touch items will be sanitized between every class, including door handles, light switches, ballet barres, and the dance floors themselves.

  • The restroom will be cleaned and sanitized after every use.

  • Before we open each day, our floors areas will be cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected with an FDA approved sanitizer. All high touch areas in the studio and lobby will be disinfected with EPA approved disinfectants, including tables, chairs, microwave counter area, doorknobs, light switches, bathrooms, refrigerator, and our front desk.

  • On Wednesdays and Sundays the studio will be closed for a deep clean.

When leaving the classroom:

  • Once class is over students will re-sanitize hands when exiting the studio.

  • We ask parents to pick up their student on time as we cannot have too many people in our waiting areas.

Health Screening:

  • Students who seem symptomatic will be dismissed immediately.  A family member will be contacted for immediate pick up.  The studio will be sanitized from top to bottom and all classmates family members will be contacted and made aware.

  • All staff members will be screened and have temperatures taken at the start of their shift. Any staff member found ill or with symptoms will be immediately sent home and the dance studio will be sanitized from top to bottom.  This will take place before any students enter the facility. If a staff member is found ill or with symptoms all dance families will be notified immediately.

Note:  Our guideline will be continuously updated with new information from the state, CDC and OSHA.  We must all remain flexible and overly cautious  Please know that the situation can change at a moment’s notice due to this ever-changing climate. We reserve the right to alter our safety precautions to best protect our students, families and staff.  We will be in direct contact with all our families if anything changes. Thank you for doing your part to keep our studio community healthy and we look forward to seeing you in class.